Monday, October 22, 2007

a couple of cool pics

Mark posted these from the VCCNE Hunt Test weekend back in September in Falmouth, MA. The whole album can be found through the VCCNE website, but here are two pictures of folks you already know. These pics must have been taken on the Sunday because it's dry. And I'm wearing my raffle prize, my Mayflower GSP hoodie.

First, here's Ella with her mom, Adrian. What a pretty Vizsla-girl she is! I hope we'll get to see her again before too long.

Second, here's Momo and Jozsi queuing up for a drink at the Team Vizsla-mobile. It's hard work being hyperactive quail-finding machines when you're surrounded by the rapturous smells of quail, slow-cooked pork, dog-food, Dad, and a bazillion other dogs that look a lot like you.

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