Second of all, a happy birthday to Steve of Coconino Cycles fame! It's been a tough couple of years for him, but he's one tough cookie. Here's a pic of Steve muscling his way around Sedona on his hand-bike. Denise has a few good pics of their most recent ride in the red-dirt.
Third, and most important of all, May 13th is also the happy first anniversary for Mr. Enthusiasm, a.k.a Lurch, a.k.a. The Evil Genius, but best known as Jozsi. Check out the pictures! Can you believe how big he is after just one year?
As you can see, though, he has maintained
"Feist, also fice, is one of several regional terms for a small mixed-breed dog. Used throughout the Midland and Southern states, feist connotes a snappy, nervous, belligerent little dog—hence the derived adjective feisty, meaning "touchy, quarrelsome, or spirited," applicable to animals and to people."
He's had quite a year... and the omens still look like he might become a genuinely phenomenal

He is one hard-running bird-dog, but for all his sulphur and mustard, Mr. Crazy Pants is a sweet, cuddling monster. Just as he was from Day One. Happy Birthday, Mr. Enthusiasm!
Reminds me of the old Beatles tune..... I heard it's your Birthday... Gonna' have a good time.....
Happy Birthday Jozsi!! And many happy returns.
Happy Birthday Mr. Jozsi! Maybe you will get lucky and your dad will make you a nice dog food and cream cheese cake!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOZSI! My how you have gown. I know you'll make your mom/dad proud of you.
AWSOME slide show on the side bar. Where do you get this stuff?
Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes. His Enthusiastic Majesty is most appreciative.
I saw at Pat the Terrierman's site, but decided I really liked the '8mm' slide format option. I think you can go directly to the site by clicking on the icon.
thanks for the Garro mention....we had a great gathering of friends...wish you two could of been there.....steve woke up to a white birthday.....the moisture is great. the trails are in perfect conditions....happy trails...D
I dig that your dog supersedes family in the birthday roll out!
While there are certainly a few feists running around town, you may also be interested in Feist:
A little more funky then that country stuff- albeit a guilty pleasure non the less. Some good comes from Canada... that and
Happy belated birthday to the lot!
E (or Q): Whatever happened with your potential international incident?
You may remember that I have a fleece sweater deliberately embroidered with 'Hoser' in honor of Doug & Bob. Now I need to get my wife watch that flick.
D: we would have loved to have been there... for the occasion, for the company, for the weather... and Martans. Sorry. Another Homer Simpson moment.
Incident avoided, cold war over =)
More word to come shortly!
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