Wednesday, August 22, 2007

little monster getting bigger

It's the midweek and I'm back to my usual schedule at work -- with Weds and Thurs off. Two days with the boys: enough to drive a man mad or really quite happy. The pictures are both of our Little Prince, all limbs and ribs and tail and nose.

Momo is, for the most part, learning to be part of a two-dog team -- where sometimes one dog does one thing, the other does an other, and it doesn't mean either is the better dog or more loved. Next week's jaunt to chase chukar will hopefully help diminish his anxieties and help reinforce that he is still very much loved and valued.

And 14.5 weeks old, Jozsi tipped the scales at 24.1lbs. Today's breakthroughs were a) seeing him register my changes in voice tone (and therefore not go eat poop because he knew the alternative was getting hoisted by the scruff of his neck) and b) having him retrieve a pheasant wing. I chose him from his litter because of how nuts he went for a chukar wing... tossing a pheasant wing out in front of him created a similar effect... Vizsla on crack! We did two retrieves and on the third, he was starting to figure out that he could probably keep it to himself; I put him on his check-cord and did two more successfully! Certainly enough for the first day.

Now, he has nothing close to a soft mouth at this point! The wing I used is now about half the size it was... I figure teaching 'soft mouth' later will be easier than trying to instill a desire to retrieve.

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